Orientation First-Year Students

Students working

Welcome to Westmont College! The Orientation team is eager to meet you.


As you prepare to arrive be sure to review the Westmont Roadmap page.

我们迎新课程的目标之一是让你成功地过渡到大学生活,并开始在韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网感受到了解和关心. Transitioning well takes time and preparation. 请务必查看下面ag娱乐官网大学过渡的信息.

Also take note of the First Year Experience 页面预览我们为新学生提供的许多不同的机会.


We are thrilled you are coming to Westmont.

First-Year Information

Your Support Team

威斯蒙特大学的教职员工以对学生的深切关怀而闻名. They are here not only to challenge and grow up academically, but also to nurture you and develop you socially, emotionally, professionally, and spiritually.


Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student EngagementShe directs Orientation, oversees Campus Life, 并深切关注你作为威斯蒙特人的幸福和成长. 
Your Orientation Team 
Your Resident Directors (RDs):As all first-years live in either Clark, Page, 你将有机会了解这些了不起的人. 他们期待着支持你在威斯蒙特大学的第一年. Please feel free to call on them. They're here for you!
Your Resident Assistants (RAs) Westmont is known for its community. RA的过程是非常挑剔的,你的RA真的想要了解你!
Center for Student Success学生成功中心提供免费的同伴指导,帮助学生应对大学经历的挑战, both inside and outside the classroom.
COVE Career CenterCOVE就业中心将帮助您与学生就业联系,并讨论为新生推荐的评估工具
Accessibility Resource Office无障碍资源办公室提供学术调整和辅助帮助和服务,以支持残疾学生在课堂内外的平等机会.
Off Campus Programs如果你对出国留学感兴趣——不管是一个学期, 或者在夏天的一个月,校外项目办公室可以帮助你计划和准备.

First-Years: Transition Well

现在是时候了,你要开始大学的大冒险了. Before you arrive, 我们想建议几个方面,供你考虑和准备,因为你来了.

Read, read and then read some more!

这是你在大学里要花大量时间做的事情. 你们中的大多数人在很长一段时间内保持积极阅读的能力是有限的. It takes practice and discipline.

你可以通过在夏天读一些书来轻松过渡. 虽然它可能与你在大学里读的学术材料不同, it will get you practicing.

Also, you must be an active reader. 在阅读的时候问自己一些ag娱乐官网材料的问题. Take notes and highlight. 在阅读细节之前,通读整章,找出主要思想. These little things can make a big difference.

The "Free" Time Trap

“Free” time seems to be in abundance at college. 你们大多数人每周只上10-12个小时的课. 在偶尔的考试和论文之间几乎没有作业,你似乎有很多空闲时间. But this is one of the biggest traps for college students.

教授们可能会期望你在课堂上每花一个小时做两个小时的课外作业. 如果你算一下,这意味着你每周应该花20到24小时学习. Most of that time is spent — you guessed it — reading!

So think of this as your job and set up a schedule. 利用好白天的时间,不要指望在晚上完成所有的学习. It’s an adjustment, but you can do it!

Lifestyle Choices

这些选择很多,都会影响你作为一名学生的成功. To drink or not to drink is one. 虽然韦斯特蒙制定了禁止使用酒精的政策, the choice and the responsibility is yours. 你们都看过电视节目和电影,把酒精描绘成大学的一部分. 如果派对不是你大学生活的一部分,你可能会觉得自己错过了什么. What the movies don’t show is the physical, mental, spiritual and academic toll drinking can take on a student. 大多数威斯蒙特大学的学生选择在没有酒精的情况下享受一段有趣而充实的经历.

This is just one of the many decisions you’ll face. 你需要睡多久才能起床去上八点钟的课? What kinds of things will you do to grow spiritually? 在你到达之前仔细思考这些问题可能会有所帮助,这样你就可以为你将要面临的一些决定设定方向.

Who Me, Homesick? 

许多新生在第一年的某个时候会想家 . For some it will be missing your parents, 对于那些想念兄弟姐妹的人来说(你能相信这真的会发生吗??!), and for others it might be missing friends or even pets. This is healthy, but hard. 定期安排时间,通过电话或视频聊天与家人和朋友联系. 要知道,这些感觉在一年中会起起伏伏. 

"Old" vs. New Friends 

Making friends will be harder for some than for others. If you’re not as outgoing, making friends will be tiring and scary, 但如果你从一开始就努力去认识别人, it will happen.

For others, it may be hard to let go of high school friends. 重要的是要记住,这些友谊的发展可能需要多年的时间, 所以你的大学友谊通常至少在一年内不会像他们那样. 你很容易就会想起高中时的亲密友谊, but if you do, you won’t be allowing your new ones to grow. High school friendships will change, and some will fade away, but these are the seasons of friendship. 如果你虔诚、耐心、灵活,新的、持久的友谊就会建立起来.

Who Am I? 

Going to college means starting over. 你们中那些在高中时是好学生的人可能会在考试中拿到第一个C.

So who are you? 你们中那些很有名的,参与了所有事情的人将面临这样的情况:你是400名新学生中的一员——你必须重新开始. 你们中曾经是大学篮球队员的人可能进不了队, 你们当中的优等生可能会在威斯蒙特获得平均成绩.

Be patient during this time of transition. 上帝会扩展你对你自己的旧定义, and if you are open and flexible, 毕业那天,你可能会对自己的新面貌感到惊讶和高兴.